THEY WILL ASK thee as to what they should spend on others. Say: "Whatever of your wealth you spend shall [first] be for your parents, and for the near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer; and whatever good you do, verily, God has full knowledge thereof." - Al-Baqarah (2:215)
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Saturday 22 November 2008

To leave or not to leave...

When I went to visit Fuzi the other day, she complained to me about Yah again. Remember earlier I mentioned about Yah telling Fuzi’s friend that Fuzi has HIV? Well, that was not all there was to it. It seems after that Yah also mentioned to the friend that Fuzi was flirting around with a few male friends, bla, bla, bla…

Now, now… first disclosing confidential information, then she went to the extent of adding all sorts of herbs, spices and MSG to her story?! God, what does she get anyway? If she wants to get a kick out of it, I don’t mind kicking her myself!!

Come to think of it, I think Yah was telling this guy about herself (but saying that Fuzi’s the one she was talking about lah) – Yah’s the one who has been flirting around! Fuzi on the other hand is a direct opposite – she hardly even gets out of the house unless she has to.

Guess what? The very next day after I went to visit Fuzi, I received a call from Yah – and as always it’s from a totally different number. I asked her direct if she purposely used a different number every time she called me so that I wouldn’t be able to call her back. She insisted she changed to a new number because she lost her old phone.

As usual, whenever Yah calls me, she doesn’t talk about her “extra-curricular” activities. I suppose it’s because she “takut nanti Kak Afizah marah” just like during our last Family Day when she donned on the tudung on the bus for that very reason. All the stories about the guys she meets she’d tell to a male colleague of mine who’s also a non-Muslim. She probably thinks that male colleague of mine wouldn’t be telling me of her (mis)adventures.

Anyway, Yah called me because she tried to call that male colleague of mine but her calls didn’t get through. So she sought my favor to pass a message to him – that she’s coming to get her medication in Ipoh next week and needs to see him for some matters. Waah… must tease my colleague lah… got a hot date with Yah! Muahaha!

It has been quite some time since I got any updates on Yah’s children so when she called I took the opportunity to ask her about them. Her 2 older daughters, who are at an orphanage, seem to be doing very well in school. In fact both of them were top in their respective classes. But, although they themselves were the ones who wanted to go to the orphanage in the first place, now they are the ones who want to balik kampong.

And so Yah is worried. I am not too sure what she’s worried about though. Maybe she’s worried she’ll have less money to spend on herself. Maybe she feels she wouldn’t have as much freedom as she has now if the girls are back at home. Her eldest daughter had after all voiced out her concern earlier on when Yah were exchanging calls and SMS with Mr Darling.

Frankly, I am worried too if the girls stay with their mother. Right now they are doing quite well in school. Maybe they are just not happy because their life is so regimented at the orphanage – but that does not seem to affect their studies. My worry if they stay with Yah is that Yah’s behavior may have a bad influence on them.

Things aren’t confirmed yet though. Whether or not they will leave the orphanage, I will have to wait and see whatever the outcome is when school reopens. I have not met the 2 girls ever since they went to stay at the orphanage. But every time they see their mother they'd always tell their mother to convey their salam to me.

Oh well, the mother makes my blood boils… the daughters cool me down…


Anonymous said...

Komen Pak Malim kucing ray yg alim.

Kasihan jugak dgn anak-anak Yah. Mereka pasti confuse, kata Pak Malim sambil memegang fuse.

Pi Bani said...

Wahai Pak Malim yang memegang fuse!
Ya, mungkin juga anak-anak Yah dah confuse. Kalau tak diikut takut pulak nanti suruh belajar mereka refuse. Lepas tu entah apa pulak Yah punya excuse. Entahlah, harap-harap janganlah anak-anak kena abuse.

Eh, apasal bunyi macam saya yang confuse? Pikir Pi Bani yang mungkin perlu kena defuse.

Daphne Ling said...

Alamak! Dramanya, Kak Pi...

Usually the kids are the one yang berdrama and the ibu yang responsible. Ini terbalik! Guess the kids were forced to grow up since they didn't have much of an adult around...

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

judging from Yah's mini series i've been reading here, i think she's getting worse. bukan nak memfitnah but i just hope whenever she flirts, it all ends there without getting in bed.

as for razif i still believe lying would do the job. if he wants to save his already damaged derriere then he must scheme his words properly. he needs to rehearse la. i mean, once he tripped over his tongue then thats it, tak dapt nak tolong, pinggan mangkuk semua melambong la jwpnya...hehehe...

Pi Bani said...

It does seem that way, doesn't it? The kids seem to be more responsible while their mother is acting like a troubled teenager.

Ahah... maybe in my next posting about Razif I'll be talking about flying saucers then, eh? ;)

Nightwing said...

Hi Kak,

Yah is really something. Spreading false stories and giving out info on other people.

Ya..hope the children will continue to be good in her studies.