THEY WILL ASK thee as to what they should spend on others. Say: "Whatever of your wealth you spend shall [first] be for your parents, and for the near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer; and whatever good you do, verily, God has full knowledge thereof." - Al-Baqarah (2:215)
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Tuesday 13 January 2009

I Got The Bikes!

No, not motorbikes. I bought the school bikes for Lin's 2 younger children...


2 readers responded to my earlier posting on my visit to Lin's house, where I mentioned that I'd need to find sponsors to buy bicycles for Lin's 2 school-going children. Not only were they quick in pledging to sponsor the bicycles, they were also quick to bank in the money. By Sunday, I had RM350 in my bank account - for me to buy the bikes.

And so yesterday, I went to buy them... and the 2 bikes in the pic above cost RM340. Got extra RM10 some more... so I think I'll include that in the funds that I usually use to buy groceries for the poor families.

Thank you very much to the 2 donors.

My task is not over yet, though. The above bikes are now temporarily placed in my NGO center. I will need to deliver them to Lin's house.

Buddies were invited to give a talk to a group of university students this coming Friday. Initially, another volunteer was supposed to give the talk as this month I am pretty tied up with office work. But he has some family matters to attend to, or more specifically, his elderly parents need more attention. Family comes first, so he's out. Another of our speakers has to be in KL on that day, again for some family matters, so she's out too. No choice, I had to reschedule my time-table to include the talk. Luckily the materials (slides in powerpoint) are readily available, courtesy of Malaysian Aids Council, all stored in my thumb drive; so at least I don't really have to prepare anything. Of course, I still need to go through the slides again before this Friday to make sure the powerpoint presentation still works fine. Who knows, the file may have been infected with viruses (not HIV of course - this one only infects humans!).

Anyway, I'm thinking of delivering the bicycles on my way back after the talk. Which means I will need to stack both bicycles into my Kenari, bring them all the way to the university, leave them in my car during the talk, and then go over to Lin's house after the talk to deliver them to the rightful recipients. Why not deliver the bicycles on the way TO the university, before the talk? You see, the talk is rather early in the morning, and I don't want to be late...


ray said...

Komen Pak Malim, kucing ray yg alim.

Basikal itu sangat cantik, kata Pak Malim dgn mata yg lentik. U sound happy, kata Pak Malim meminum kopi. Saya tumpang gembira, kata Pak Malim sambil memeluk kera. All the best for your talk on Friday, says the cat while eating a sundae.

Pak Zawi said...

Alhamdulillah. Pi mintak, Pi dapat untuk mereka.

Sheisawesome said...

cunnya basikal tu!

Pi Bani said...

Pak Malim,
I'm happy when I accomplish a mission, said Pi Bani while going into action. At least now Lin's children don't have to worry about how to go to school, said Pi again keeping her cool.

Pi Bani said...

Pak Zawi,
Alhamdulillah, dapat blog readersyang baik hati.

Basikal baru cun lah...

Nightwing said...

Helo Kak,

May God bless the donors and you for doing a great job in improving people's lives.

Sorry for being AWOL from visiting here.

Thank you for dropping by and the kind words.

Pi Bani said...

No need to apologise for being AWOL. I'm sure you had more important matters to attend to... like getting married! :)