The first time I got tagged, it came in the form of an award – The Thinking Blogger Award. For this I was tagged by Kak Teh, Raden Galoh and Apandi. The rule of the award was that I’d have to name 5 other bloggers for the award. I withdrew myself for reasons stated here.
The next tag came from Kak Ruby and Cikgu KTN. This time it was a charity tag originating from Pak Payne (or back then better known as Idham). Since it was for charity, I gladly responded here.
Then came the blonde bimbo moments tag coming from Typhoon Sue, followed by the tagging galore coming from Nightwing, Pearly and Daphne Ling. I answered all 3 tags in one posting here.
Next was the 2007 takeaways tag coming from Pak Zawi. Then I stopped getting all these tags… until just recently when Kerp tagged me and I was supposed to expose 15 random facts about myself. That was less than a month ago.
Well, I just got tagged again – by Kak Teh. The tag is about my cringe moments – something similar to the blonde bimbo moments tag I responded to earlier. Since I withdrew myself the first time Kak Teh tagged me, this time I guess I owe her one. Kalau dia merajuk nanti susah nak pujuk…
My cringe moments? Ish, apasal sibuk nak tau ni??! Oh well, I had a good laugh reading Kak Teh’s and Kak Puteri’s cringe moments, so whaddaheck!! Here goes…
I was in form 3 or form 4 then. It was during staying up hours. There I was in the lounge at the hostel block, supposedly studying. But studying had always made me sleepy, so I got up and went out to the water cooler right outside the lounge, near the sliding doors. The sliding doors were made up of wooden frames and glass panes. For quite some time, one section of the door was without any glass pane and we’d happily walk through the door without any problem. Well, that particular day the glass pane was finally replaced. Having made it a habit to walk in through that door, that night after getting a drink from the water cooler, I did exactly that – I walked back into the lounge through that door and...

Noticing that the shoes I wear to work gets worn out faster (especially the heels) if I wear them for driving, now I have a separate pair of shoes, either flat shoes or slippers, which I leave in my car.
I was on my way back from work one day when I decided to drop by a grocery shop to buy some things. Parked my car, got down and walked to the shop, bought whatever necessary and then I walked back to the car. No problemos.
As I was getting back into the car, I realized that I had my work shoe on my left foot and my driving shoe on my right foot! I had been wearing them all along when I walked to the grocery shop. Until now I wonder how I managed to walk around with one flat shoe and one heeled shoe without even realizing it! I must have looked like a MGB. (makcik-gone-bonkers)
It was my first time at a parking lot using auto-pay machines. As I was about to leave, I got to one of those auto-pay machines to pay for my parking. There was nobody in front of me so I couldn’t observe others using the machine. Whaddaheck, I thought… just follow the instructions lah, what’s so difficult? So I read the instruction, it said “insert ticket”. Confidently I inserted my parking ticket into the slot located on the right side of the machine. The machine didn’t seem to accept my ticket. Dia buat donno aje. I pushed the ticket further in, still no response from the machine. Kurang asam punya machine.
Then I heard some people walking by – am not sure if they noticed this jakun at the auto-pay machine but it was only then that I realized there was another slot on the left side. So inserted my ticket there and finally the machine accepted my ticket and the next instruction was to insert money. Of course by then I already knew where to insert the money lah kan…

I have already mentioned this story in my earlier respond to the blonde bimbo moments tag. But let me just mention a shorter version of it here.
A friend had approached me, asking me to talk to a relative of hers, a problematic rebellious teenager who always caused trouble to her family. So we agreed to meet up in front of a particular restaurant. My friend then left me with the girl and went off elsewhere. We figured the girl wouldn’t talk much if my friend was around. I told my friend I’d call her once we’re done.
We went into the restaurant, ordered some food and had our chat. After about an hour or so, I called my friend to inform her that we were done. We (the teenager and I) then got up and walked out to wait for my friend. Just as I was about to open the door to walk out, a waitress ran after me and said rather loudly, “Kak, belum bayar!”
I had totally forgotten to pay for the food!!! I looked at the bill, gave the waitress some money and told her to keep the change as I was too embarrassed to wait a second longer. There I was, talking to a problematic teenager, yet I looked like someone trying to escape without paying but got caught instead! During times like this, I wished the waitress would have called me makcik or even nenek instead of kak. Then at least people may think… alahai, kesian orang tua pelupa ni…

I went to send my car for servicing at the regular service centre. They had a comfortable waiting area so I waited there while they serviced my car. Once done, the girl at the counter called me, “Kak, sudah siap!” I got up from my seat, went to the counter, the girl showed me the bill, and I paid in cash. After she gave me my change, I asked for my car key. The girl looked confused. Then she asked, “Yang kakak pegang tu bukan kunci kereta kakak ke?”
Actually when she showed me the bill earlier, she had already given me the key and I was holding it all along. There I was already holding the key and yet I was still asking for it. I then said to the girl, “Aiyo, sudah nyanyok lorr!” and then selamba-ly walked out (it helps that I have a muka sadin).

ahaha! Pi Bani, I knew you have loads of other cringe moments. Tak apalah, share yang ini pun dah cukup tp show that you are human just like us.
where's the key, where the glasses tu memanglaa. dah jadi adat.
Pi - scene 3 tu memang kak puteri boleh identify with sesangat. in my area depa baru fix new 'metermaids'. saya ni pulak lembab when it comes to operating instructions, even simple ones. many a times have I stood in front one trying to figure out how to feed it. last last buat muka poyo and ask anyone nearby..
Of course la I'm human! What else could I be?!
Kak Puteri:
I tak reti buat muka poyo... tau buat muka sadin je... :)
I had one very unforgettable cringe moment when I was in Std 1 in 1965.We came from a very poor family.And most of us selalu kena cacing.So my late parents would give us that yucky red medicine they got from the govt. clinic.
Anyway,mine was always the 'killer' ones.Payah nak eliminate.I seem to have more than my other siblings then.Haha.
So oneday,in the classroom,I knew one of the laksa-like worms crawled out from you know where.I just pretended as though I wasn't aware of it.
My classroom desks were arranged in pairs and mine was probably in the 3rd row to the left side of the classroom.
It was around 10 mins or so before one of my clssmates shrieked like hell upon finding 'wormy' had travelled almost to the front of the class.O my God!They'll never know whose!hahaha.Secret broken after 50 years!
Oops sorry..43 years ago..masa tu dah 7 yrs old..lupa nak minus!haha
salam kak pi,
adooiii kak pi, geliati betul baca ni.
teringat hubby yang tersalah guna card di tol plaza. bukan kad tol yang disapunya, kad auto gate apartment instead.
Hi Kak Pi,
Haha! We all have these moments lar...When the world seems to move at a different pace and we bodoh-bodoh do stuff! Hehe...Had a good time reading! ;)
I won't even start with this tag. I do stupid stuff every day, so we would never get to the end of it!
PS: Can't believe you remember all your tags!
Waah... std 1 punya cringe moment pun ingat lagi ye? I wonder if the classmate who shrieked like hell remembered it as well... :)
Nasib baik I tak makan laksa hari ni!
Tu lah masalahnya kalau dah macam-macam kad ada, belasah je mana-mana kad...
Yes, we all have those silly moments, don't we? Thank goodness so far not caught on camera or video!!
Aiya, I won't take credit for remembering my tags lah. All I had to do was to type in the word "tag" in the search blog box (there at the top left hand corner), and all the tags I've done before will appear...
just wondering, scene number 3. baru2 lagi ke ni? let me guess, at the Curve? kihkihhh...
Kat Curve baru2 ni wasn't my first time using the autopay machine lah...
Hola Pi,
Thanks for sharing your cringe moments and making me crack a smile even though right at this moment sedang kemasukkan angin kus2!
Right now I'm at a Cyber Cafe in town coz my PC buat ragam plak. At least, sejuk gak hati ni baca post Pi Bani and her "Cringe Moments.
Greetings and lots of love from Kuale Kangsor.
~ ArahMan7
Kena pergi Cyber Cafe? That's one place I've never been into. Agaknya kalau kena pergi, mau another cringe moment coming up kot... makcik blurr masuk cyber cafe!!
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