A picture tells a thousand words, right? Well, for this posting I think I'll let the pictures do more of the story-telling...
Day 1:
We arrived at Kuah Jetty at about 2.00 pm - Nine of us: my partner, myself, our 4 staff, my partner's husband, their daughter, and one of our staff's husband. Only 2 males - and as such the 2 male species became our drivers!
As soon as we reached Kuah, first thing first, we rented 2 cars. Then off to Hotel Helang to check into our rooms. Wow, the rooms were spacious and each room had 2 double beds. If we knew earlier, we could have just booked one room for the 4 single ladies!
After a short rest, we headed direct to Oriental Village... that's where the base station for the cable cars going up Gunung Machinchang is situated. Gayat or not gayat, all our staff took the cable car ride.
Upon reaching the top station, we immediately headed down the tracks to go to the "hanging" bridge. The walk down wasn't so bad, but getting back up was quite a task, especially for the unfit ones.
Then, down at the Oriental village...
Eagle: Oi makcik, how to smile? You realise or not there's a snake behind us?
Day 2:
Morning, off we went island hopping. Rented a speed boat to go around Langkawi and visit 3 of the many islands.
After lunch, off we went to Underwater world. Here are amongst the species you can find at Underwater World....
3rd day:
Early morning, after Subuh prayer, I went for a walk with my room-mate. We walked about 2 km and as we got to the beach, this was the scene...
Then as we were walking back to the hotel, one red proton saga passed from behind us and suddenly stopped. The lady driver who saw us, turned around...
Lady: "Nak pi Padang Matsirat ka?"
Me: "Dak, nak pi dekat depan tu saja! Dok kat Hotel Helang."
Lady: "Ohh... ingat tadi nak bagi tumpang."
Yep, that's how friendly the locals are. The lady didn't even know me yet she offered a ride.
Anyway, we checked out at 11 am and then went around the island.
Anyway, we checked out at 11 am and then went around the island.
After some last minute shopping at pekan Kuah, we headed back to the jetty, returned the rented cars and took the 3 pm ferry back to Kuala Kedah....
Hi Pi
I don't know which is more scary to me - the hanging bridge or having the eagle that close? :)
Nice pictures, by the way. Looks like it was a fun holiday.
It is good to go on holiday!
Good for you...
Hey, I had to pay RM3 to take a picture with that eagle you know. We'd have to pay RM3 to take pictures with the snake too, but I wasn't willing to do that even if they paid me the RM3!
You're afraid of heights, eh?
I don't often get the chance to go for holidays. So yep, that was a good holiday!
Helo Kak,
Lovely pictures...and i am sure u and ur friends had a good R amd R.
The hanging bridge is really something.
Thanks for sharing.
Yep, we sure did have a good time. I especially enjoyed the boat ride for the island hopping tour. And yes, the scene at the bridge was really something alright.
whoaaa...bestnya. berapa hari kak Pi? 3 days 2 nights?
you know, for a wheelchair-user like me, what i'm worried the most is the accessibility of that particular holiday destination. its tough if they dont provide wheelchair-friendly facilities. vacation could be spoilt bcos of this.
tapi Langkawi should be ok kot. its a must-visit destination for every malaysians, at least once in their lifetime. i'm sure to set my wheels there too. kumpul duit dulu..hehe...
*apsal tak letak python tu atas bahu akak? hehehe...
Yep, 3D2N. As for being wheelchair friendly, certain destinations at the island may be a problem for you. Like the island hopping boat ride for example, getting on and off the boat. Cable car too, got to turun tangga naik tangga. But going around Langkawi island to visit other places of interest should be ok kot.
Oh btw Kerp, tak nak lah letak ular tu atas bahu.... berat lah! ;)
Waaaaaahhhh..Kak Pi...you sure had a jolly time there! The view from the cable car is great,kan? Tapi bot yang nak pergi island hopping macam tu kecik je ka? Alamak, takut lah! Ingat next time kalau ada rezeki, nak jugak island hopping sebab masa pergi last year tak sempat!
Kak Pi,
Good to have you back, with relieved mind and soul. Everyone needs a break.
Langkawi, I haven't set my foot there, but I will :)
Ikan duyung dah balik IPOH!!!!! :D
Have a nice day.
Yes, I sure did have a jolly good time! As for the speedboat, can take about 8 to 10 persons per ride. Memang lah kecik sikit, tapi yang macam tu lah yang best. Can touch the sea water from inside the boat. Takut? Ala, I ni pun tak reti berenang langsung, tapi pakai ajelah life jacket tu... takde benda lah!
The island hopping tour takes about 4 hours. Next time, if I go, I may want to try Pulau Payar and/or the mangrove tour. Am not the type who likes shopping, so I'd rather go for the more adventurous activities.
Oh yeah, ikan duyung (bukan dugong, ek?) dah balik Ipoh... back on dry land!
There are many interesting activities we can do in Langkawi if we have the time. Another thing I may want to try next time is para sailing. 3D2N tak cukup lah to try all the adventures - especially if you have a group of not so adventurous people in your tour...
Pi, tengok gambar hanging bridge tu pun I dah gayat! hehe. glad u had fun tho.
Ni sorang lagi... afraid of heights! Ala... once you're on the bridge, don't look down la... orait punya!
ala... i was expecting to see pics of u in a bikini or sumthin'...
looks like u had a fun holiday. i have always enjoyed langkawi when it's not having one of those crowd pulling events like the noisy let's-give-the-chicken-a-heart-attack LIMA.
next time u go there, make sure u go to p.payar. Snorkeling with the sharks is simply awesome!!
Hi Pi Bani,
I'm a frequent visitor to your blog and i placed your url in my favourite. I agree that it your blog and it's up to you to do what you like with your blog, but, if may request, can you please place your music control at the top portion of your blog so that i can read your postings without listening to the music. Kalau tak nak kena scroll down jauh baru jumpa the music control...jangan marah ye...
Typhoon Sue:
Bikini tadak... sumthin' ada... ;)
Ohh, time LIMA tak payah pegi la... not just the noise, food pun sure mahal nak mampus.
And yes, hopefully when/if I go next time, Pulau Payar must be in the agenda. But cannot go with office mates lah - depa ni tak adventurous langsung! Semua oso takut to try this and that...
Anonymous 11.01am:
Tak... tak marah... nanti kena jual... :)
Nantilah naa... memang I intend to rearrange and redecorate "rumah" I since my blog anniversary hari tu... tapi sampai la ni tak buat-buat lagi!
Terima kasih kerana menunaikan hajat hamba yang tidak sepertinya...nampak music control dah ada kat atas sana...semoga Allah sampaikan pula hajat tuan hamba!
Akak...amboi...amboi..best nyer...
And to see in that attire, ahem...bukan selalu boleh tgk akak out of the 'jubah' tu...cantik you...
The photos buat sy terpegun..especially about the sea/water creatures tu..amazing...Masya'Allah...
Tak sakit ke eagle tu cengkam lengan akak? Ish..ngeri lak bila bayangkan...
Tak habis rearrange rumah lagi ni... baru tarik-tarik kerusi meja sikit-sikit. Konon-konon nak tukar langsir sekali, tak sempat lagi...
Raden Galoh:
Nak pergi boat ride semua tu in jubah or even baju kurung payah le pulak although memang ada orang buat. Tapi I tengok jenuh le masing-masing especially time nak turun naik boat.
The eagle? Tu pasal kena pakai sarung tangan khas tu - kalau tak pakai memang le sakit kena cengkam. But it was a very jinak eagle actually. No harm lah! (Ewah, beria kata no harm. Dengan snake tu pun no harm actually, tapi I tak berani pulak... not so much ngeri, more of geli!!)
jom pi dgn i, i bawak u scuba dive lagik.... haha
eh,... anon @11.01 am request mintak ubah deco, terus u buat renovation yea?
kalau macam tu, i pun nak request lah -
*pointing here and there*
aaarr,... u tukar background page u ni ke kaler orange, tulisan dia kasi kaler biji ghemia (kedah term for purple). Kat header atas tu u bubuh gambar ikan, kat sidebar pls taruk gambar boya, kat bawah pulak letak gambar rimau. kalau ada space lagi kat sidebar tu taruk gambar i banyak-banyak. lepas tu u pasang widget macam-macam lagik, baru best. lepas tu, lepas tu,.....
he he he
You nak I ajak gi scuba dive? Berenang pun tak reti! I memang terror diving, tapi masalahnya tak timbul-timbul lah...
Eh, I tak habis renovate rumah lagi lah! Ni baru letak undercoat.... nanti bila senang nak pi kedai cat le pulak... and then nak pi kedai perabot...
Salam Kak PI,
Saya cuma nak puji...cantik cat rumah baru akak. Lama tak datang sini. The pixs - nice too
Hi Kak Pi,
Wah...Got Burung Helang as your fren...
I remember holding one (and a hornbill too) once in Zoo Negara, and gosh they are super heavy! My hand was wobbling as I tried to keep it straight!
PS: Nice 'scarecrow'...Hehe...And oh, belated congrats on making the 'kerusi' =)
Kebetulan pulak you datang time rumah baru lepas cat baru. Masih ada bau cat lagi kot?
Yes, the eagle was quite heavy alright. And letak pulak on my left, my weaker side... but I only had trouble initially, after a while steadylah balik, by the time nak pose for the photos, dah okay dah.
nice layout kak!
eh, apa ni? whoaaa...cat baru ke. odour-less la kak Pi...hehehe...
Thanks. Back from holidays, house also must have fresh new look lah!
Awat, mula tadi ingat dah masuk salah rumah ka? :)
Dear Pi,
Was here quite a number of times. Commenting only now.
Had a similar post in my blog sometime in December 2007 - January 2008.
Yes! An amazing feat! That curved bridge above the ridges...
Umi Kalthum Ngah:
K.Umi, is that you??? Eh, lupa pulak nak jawab salam... wa'alaikum salaam...
Will hop over to your blog soon.
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