THEY WILL ASK thee as to what they should spend on others. Say: "Whatever of your wealth you spend shall [first] be for your parents, and for the near of kin, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer; and whatever good you do, verily, God has full knowledge thereof." - Al-Baqarah (2:215)
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Sunday, 15 April 2007

Update on Fuzi and Yah

My posting on 6th April 2007, "More house visits, more welfare woes", highlighted the financial problems faced by Fuzi and Yah and the kind of excuses they received from some welfare officers.

Here are some updates:

I called Fuzi yesterday and asked if she had received her March financial aid. Fuzi said since it was still not banked in on Thursday, 12th April 2007, she went personally to the welfare office and finally got it there and then. It was almost the middle of April, it was only RM115, and she had to go personally to the welfare office about 25kms away from her house to get the money. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

As for Yah, well, the officer did say that she should start getting financial aid in May, so let's just wait and see.

Now for some good news.

After my posting, a couple approached me by email with the intention of giving monthly donations to these 2 families. They will be transferring a fixed monthly donation direct into the bank accounts of the 2 ladies. The couple wish to remain anonymous and I shall not mention the amount, but suffice to say the amount is more than the "Bantuan Am" usually approved by the welfare department. The first round of donation has already been transferred to the bank accounts of both ladies. On behalf of the 2 families, I'd like to thank the couple.

Phew... at least now I don't have to worry too much about Fuzi's and Yah's monthly financial needs, so I can pay more attention to other families who need help.

Of course, I will still contact all my PLWHA clients on a regular basis whether or not they have problems. That means I will still visit Fuzi and Yah from time to time even though somebody is sponsoring their financial needs.


IBU said...

Askum Sis Pi,

thanks, this is really eye & heart opening. i wonder why can't the administration remit the payment automatically thru their bank accounts? this is truly 'penantian suatu penyiksaan'. sigh...

Ibu, bukan idin, belum tukar IC :)

p/s Errr... r u in anyway related to TA Bani H ?

Anonymous said...

Dear Pi Bani,

Its good isnt it? to know that some good came out of your blog.

Keep up the great job my friend

Pi Bani said...

Idin... err... ibu... you're confusing me... :)
You know my brother??

Yes, it feels good to know the positive outcome of setting up this blog! Thanks to all who have given me their support in whatever way.


A kum Pi Bani - Salam kenalan,
u dok tang mana. daerah kinta ke?
untuk makluman, setelah bantuan JKM diluluskan, depa tak bagi terus. prosidur kewangan perlu diikuti. mungkin bulan tu(con april 2007) dilulus, tak masuk bank lagi. masalah surat menyurat (memang ini saya kurang setuju-lambat).tapi, boleh pi ambil cash di pejabat. kalau jauh pejabat JKM, call depa melalui phone. pegawai JKM akan mai.
banyak bidang di JKM tu. Bantuan am, bantuan kanak-kanak, elaun cacat, bantuan orang tua, bantuan sekolah, bantuan bencana, anak angkat, penderaan kanak-kanak, taman asuhan kanak-kanak, keganasan rumah tangga, juvana, perlindungan wanita dan gadis, kemasukkan ke rumah orang tua, kemasukan ke institusi cacat, kemasukkan ke rumah kanak-kanak, serbuan pengemis, pusat jagaan, kemasukkan ke institusi akhlak, bantuan kepada BAKTI, JPA, tentera, dan banyak lagi. memanglah, bila pegawai bagi alasan tak cukup pekerja- kita tak boleh terima. sepatutnya mereka bagi jawapan awal - dapat atau tidak bantuan. jika tidak - kita boleh cari alternatif lain. so sis Bani , ini yg mana saya tau, boleh saya habaq. tq.

IBU said...


sorry for d confusion. actually my son si Idin tu created his own blog but within my blog, so my profile dah bertukar to his name.

So TABH is ur brother?!! La ..Mr T dulu my boss laa... haha... such a small world. Kalau sebut ni staff dia, ibu Idin, hmm.. ntah dia ingat lagi ke tak?

pesan kat dia, bila nak gantung rokok? hehe...

Pi Bani said...

Saya cover Perak, so kes-kes ni melibatkan lebih dari satu daerah. I am aware of all the procedures and whatever bantuan available. Kami dah panggil salah sorang pegawai untuk bagi penerangan kat volunteers semua. Walaupun pegawai tu agak skeptical sikit pasal pengidap HIV, tapi dia bagi penerangan cukup jelas apa yang boleh kami buat untuk bantu keluarga-keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan ni. Cuma masalahnya, di peringkat perlaksanaan lain pulak ceritanya. Macam kes Fuzi tu, dah telefon ke pejabat kebajikan, tapi pegawai tu yang suruh Fuzi datang sendiri kalau nak duit tu cepat - pasal dia takde masa nak hantar. Mau tak mau, terpaksalah kawan ni naik bas turun bas walaupun susah. Abih camno?

Ibu Idin,
Laa hai... keciknya dunia! Bab rokok tu, jenuh dah sound kat dia... no effect la.