When I told some of my PLWHA families to be at the bus station before 9 am, I had expected them to be there earliest 8.45 am. But at 8.10 am as I was getting ready at home, Yah called me to say she and her children were already at the bus station. Oh well, it was before 9 am...
Anyway, right after I arrived, Shila and daughter Laila got there, followed by Jah and then Mr. K's family. So I got one guy (he's a PLWHA but volunteered to be one of the pickup person) to ferry Mr. K's family, one lady volunteer to ferry Yah and her children, while I waited there together with Jah, Shila and Laila for the arrival of another PLWHA, Kamala. Kamala arrived rather late as her bus stopped at almost every small town before reaching Ipoh.
But oh well, although we were the last to reach the park, the timing was just nice as the park opens at 10 am and we arrived there just minutes before opening hours. By the time we got there my fellow volunteers had already organised things for the rest who had reached there earlier.
OK, so people.... welcome to the LOST WORLD OF TAMBUN...

This is the main pool.
We didn't waste much time after we got in. After bringing them to our reserved hut and briefing them on what time to gather for lunch, we were all off to look for whatever fun available at the theme park. There were a few who preferred not to get wet, so they were our official "tukang jaga barang"...
I didn't waste much time either. After changing into my errr... three piece suit... (long sleeved t-shirt, trackbottom and headscarf) I was actually one of the first to try out the water slides on the tubes! Hey, I needed to test if the slides were safe for the rest, okay? ;) (hehehe... yeah, sure!)

This is supposed to be the kiddies pool. But look at the adults crowding there waiting to be splashed by the water from the barrel up there...

The kiddies pool was even safe for toddlers. Look at this little girl here crawling in the kiddies pool.
It was quite difficult getting the kids to gather themselves back at our reserved hut for lunch. They were enjoying themselves so much they simply didn't want to get out of the water! And after lunch we originally planned to have telematch, but since the kids were so eager to continue with whatever fun rides and slides available, we decided to cancel the telematch and let them do as they like...
Well, I decided not to get wet after lunch, so together with a few other volunteers, we went for the dry rides. First, the pirate ship, swinging from one end to another, which sent some of my colleagues screaming. It was a blessing none of them threw up... our timing wasn't really proper, you see... this was immediately after a heavy serving of nasi beriani for lunch!!
Then we took the tram ride around Lost World of Tambun before we proceeded to the spinning chairs.

No, this is not the spinning chair I was talking about. This is less thrilling so I decided to skip this one and wait for the spinning chair. That's why I managed to get this pic... I wasn't on it! But despite it being less thrilling, a few fellow volunteers took the ride and screamed anyway.
Some of my friends who took the ride above decided against trying the spinning chair but our secretary who insist on trying every available ride took the ride together with me and another male volunteer. The male volunteer who joined the ride initially didn't want to try the spinning chair ride but when he found out I wanted to go for it, he said, "Alamak, kalau you naik I pun kena naik jugaklah. Kalau tak tergugatlah aku." At the end of the spinning chair ride, our secretary who insisted on trying everything had to be helped off her chair... hehehe...
Then off we went to see the tiger feeding show.

Many years ago when I was in upper six, I had a poster of a tiger on my room door at the hostel. I remembered a few juniors who passed by my room, upon seeing the picture of the tiger, they'd exclaim, "Eh, eh... gambar Kak Pi!" (I was the headgirl at that time, so you get the drift lah.) So now let's see if any of these tigers look like me...
After the tiger feeding show, those who wanted to take pictures with a snake were allowed to do so. No, I did not, but some of us did...
If you are afraid of snakes but insist on trying everything including taking pictures with those slithing creatures, this is how you'll look like in the pic! Meet our secretary...
After tea, we handed over presents for each child. We made sure nobody went home empty handed. After that we made a move. Although the children would still like to stay until 6 pm if only they could, the older people simply could not take it any more...
The PLWHAs and their children had a great time I know. So did the volunteers. I enjoyed myself for sure. For the whole day I felt like a teenager all over again!
That was until I got home... and then my aching body screamed...